A Jaunt through Berlin

Upon arriving at the airport, we were confronted with another crisis adventure in the form of an attempt to find our way to the subway. Many kind people helped us and without their assistance we would no doubt be doggedly wandering around the Brandenburg Gate, which admittedly would not be horrible. Anyways, upon exiting the subway, wherein we discovered some delightful (two men playing musical instruments for money) and some not so delightful (a man picking multiple scabs atop his bald, scabbed head) things. Reaching our stop, I decided that I would try to use a GPS to find our way to our lodging, which we did. Ascending the stairs at the store, we were met with a Doener kebab stand, which, in my state of hunger, was a bit like presenting a thirsty man with water. I ordered a Doener immediately without thinking and I regret nothing about this decision. For those of you who do not know, a Doener is the ultimate sandwich. It is rumored (amongst myself and no one else) that God Himself inspired the creator, a Turkish-German immigrant. Tasting it certainly would lead one to that conclusion.

The Doener kebab is much like any other kebab. The place has a giant rotating column of meat that gets shaved off and slowly consumed. In the past, I have seen a small saw used to take the meat off, but today the man working in the kiosk used A SWORD. HE USED A STRAIGHT UP SWORD TO SHAVE MEAT OFF THE GIANT MEAT WHEEL GUYS. IT WAS AWESOME. It also was delicious. He added three types of cabbage, tomato, red onion, tzaziki, hummus, and I think tahini to create a sandwich experience unlike any other.

We finally found our Airbnb, after another quick adventure. Our host is a very nice lady called Nina, who is a voice teacher and is also studying art history. We bonded over Star Trek: Next Gen and also antique reception. Needless to say, Berlin is shaping up to be really fantastic. Tomorrow we journey to Wittenberg, which I am told is not very far.


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